What is your name?, Where are you from?, What is your mom’s phone number?, How much is it?, How are you today?, What are they?, Who are they?, Who is he?, Who is she?, How many boards can you see?, Whose headphones are they?, What is your nationality?, What country is it?, Here’s your ....., What country is it?, What nationality is it?, What day is today?, What is it?, How much is it?, What is it?, What is it?, How much is it?, What is it?, How old is your sister/brother?, What’s in your pencil case?, What’s in your pocket?, How do you spell your surname?, Are you married?, Are they your birds?, What colour is the coat?, What colours can you see?, Who is in your family?, Describe the car, Make an order: “Can I have ... “, Make an order: “Can I have ... “, Make an order: “Can I have ... “, Make an order: “Can I have ... “, What is it?, What colour is the wall?, How many fingers can you see?, Where is he from?, Where is she from? What is her nationality?, What time is it?, What time is it?, What time is it?, What time is it?, Can you read this email address, What is it?, What are they?, What is it?.
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