I am going to study tomorrow - Yo voy a estudiar mañana, We are going to read a book - Nosotros vamos a leer un libro, Pedro is going to go to school - Pedro va a ir a la escuela, The students are going to write a poem - Los estudiantes van a escribir a poem, Lucas and Isabel are going to dance - Lucas e Isabel van a bailar, My father is going to work - Mi padre va a trabajar, My parents are not going to work - Mis padres no van a trabajar, Lucas and Isaber are going to run - Lucas e Isabel van a correr, Pedro is not going to go to school - Pedro no va a ir a la escuela, Pedro is going to school - Pedro va a la escuela, I am not going to study tomorrow - Yo no voy a estudiar mañana, The student is going to write a poem - El estudiante va a escribir un poema, We are going to read the lesson - Nosotros vamos a leer la lección, You are going to visit my parents (informal) - Tú vas a visitar a mis padres, You are going to visit my parents (formal) - Usted va a visitar a mis padres, Rafael And I are going to run tomorrow - Rafael y yo vamos a correr mañana, Rafael and I are going to run tonight - Rafael y yo vamos a correr esta noche, You all are going to dance (in Spain) - Vosotros vais a bailar , You all are going to dance - Ustedes van a bailar, You are going to dance (informal) - Tú vas a bailar, You are going to dance (formal) - Usted va a bailar, My cousin and I are going to eat pizza - Mi prima y yo vamos a comer pizza, My cousin is going to eat pizza - Mi primo va a comer pizza, I am going to drink water - Yo voy a beber agua, You and I are going to drink water (informal) - Tú y yo vamos a beber agua, You and I are going to drink water (formal) - Usted y yo vamos a beber agua, Pedro is going to travel - Pedro va a viajar , Pedro travels - Pedro viaja, My cousin eats pizza - Mi primo come pizza, You and I drink water - Tú y yo bebemos agua,
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