Tundra - The coldest of the biomes, located at the top of the world., Desert - The driest of all the biomes as it receives very little rainfall., Coniferous Forest - This is located between the tundra to the north and the deciduous forest to the south. Consists mostly of trees that grow needles instead of leaves., Deciduous forest - Found between the polar regions and the tropics, this area is exposed to warm and cold air masses, which gives this area all four seasons. Consists of trees that grow leaves and flowered plants., Rainforest - Located close to the equator. There are two types of these, tropical and temperate. Consists of three layers being the canopy, understory, and the floor., Grassland - Open, generally flat areas of grass. A few trees may be found along streams, but not many due to the lack of rainfall., Aquatic - Covering nearly 75% of the Earth's surface. Can be broken down into two basic regions as freshwater or marine, Biome - A distinct ecological community of plants and animals living together in a particular climate, Savanna - Tropical or subtropical grasslands with scattered trees and shrubs., Taiga (Boreal Forest) - A forest located in the Earth's far northern regions, consisting mainly of cone-bearing evergreens, such as firs, pines, and spruces, Chaparral - This is a semiarid biome that has a mix of shrubs and open woodlands,
8th Grade
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