Job: Dentist Annual Salary: $146,920 Education Level: Doctoral or professional degree, Job: Police and Detectives Annual Salary: $55,010 Education Level: High school diploma, Job: Registered Nurse Annual Salary: $64,690 Education Level: Associate’s degree, Job: Pharmacist Annual Salary: $111,570 Education Level: Doctoral or professional degree, Job: Plumber Annual Salary: $46,660 Education: High school diploma or equivalent and apprenticeship, Job: Physician Annual Salary: $183,170 Education Level: Doctoral or professional degree, Job: Real Estate Agent Annual Salary: $42,680 per year Education Level: Postsecondary nondegree award, Job: Physical Therapist Annual Salary: $76,310 Education Level: Doctoral or professional degree, Job: Auto Mechanic Annual Salary: $35,790 Education Level: High school diploma or equivalent and long-term on-thejob training, Job: Veterinarian Annual Salary: $82,040 Education Level: Doctoral or professional degree, Job: Restaurant Cook Annual Salary: $22,080 Education Level: none, Job: Receptionist Annual Salary: $25,240 Education Level: High school diploma, Job: Landscaper and groundskeeper Annual Salary: $23,410 Education Level: None, Job: Painter Annual Salary: $34,280 Education Level: none, Job: Financial Analyst Annual Salary: $74,350 Education Level: Bachelor’s degree, Job: Cashier Annual Salary: $18,820 Education Level: Short-term on-the job training, Job: Construction Managers Annual Salary: $83,860 Education Level: Associate’s degree, Job: Bus Driver Annual Salary: $29,160 Education Level: High school diploma or equivalent, Job: Hairdresser Annual Salary: $22,500 Education Level: Postsecondary nondegree, Job: Elementary school teacher Annual Salary: $51,380 Education Level: Bachelor’s degree, Job: Paramedic Annual Salary: $30,710 Education Level: Postsecondary nondegree award, Job: Customer Service Representative Annual Salary: $30,610 Education Level: High school diploma, Job: Accountants Annual Salary: $61,690 Education Level: Bachelor’s degree, Job: Teacher Assistant Annual Salary:$23,220 Education Level: Short-term on-the-job training.
Jobs, Salaries, and Education Levels
6th Grade
Financial Literacy
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