Justice - Giving reward and punishment according to the merits of the case in question., Judgement - The ability to weigh facts and possible courses of action in order to make sound decisions., Disiciveness - Ability to make decisions promptly and to communicate them in a clear, confident manner., Initiative - Taking action in the absence of orders., Dependability - The certainty of proper performance of a duty and/or task., Tact - The ability to deal with others without creating hostility., Integrity - Uprightness of character and soundness of moral principles. The quality of truthfulness and honesty., Enthusiasm - The display of sincere interest and exuberance in the performance of duty and tasks., Bearing - Creating a favorable impression in carriage, appearance, and personal conduct at all times., Unselfishness - Avoidance of providing for one's own comfort and personal advancement at the expense of others., Courage - A mental quality that recognizes fear of danger or criticism, but enables a person to proceed in the face of it with calmness and firmness., Knowledge - Understanding of a science or an art. The range of one's information, including professional knowledge and an understanding of your peers., Loyalty - The quality of faithfulness to country, community, team, and to one's seniors, subordinates, and peers., Endurance - The mental and physical stamina measured by the ability to withstand pain, fatigue, stress, and hardship.,
Leadership Traits Match Up
9th Grade
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