1) forget + ful a) DOUBLE the last letter of the base word b) DROP the last letter of the base word c) CHANGE the Y at the end of the base word to an I d) DO NOTHING, just stick the suffix on 2) page + ing a) DOUBLE the last letter of the base word b) DROP the last letter of the base word c) CHANGE the Y at the end of the base word to an I d) DO NOTHING, just stick the suffix on 3) dry + ed a) DOUBLE the last letter of the base word b) DROP the last letter of the base word c) CHANGE the Y at the end of the base word to an I d) DO NOTHING, just stick the suffix on 4) fate + al a) DOUBLE the last letter of the base word b) DROP the last letter of the base word c) CHANGE the Y at the end of the base word to an I d) DO NOTHING, just stick the suffix on 5) brave + ly a) DOUBLE the last letter of the base word b) DROP the last letter of the base word c) CHANGE the Y at the end of the base word to an I d) DO NOTHING, just stick the suffix on 6) trace + able a) DOUBLE the last letter of the base word b) DROP the last letter of the base word c) CHANGE the Y at the end of the base word to an I d) DO NOTHING, just stick the suffix on 7) commit + ed a) DOUBLE the last letter of the base word b) DROP the last letter of the base word c) CHANGE the Y at the end of the base word to an I d) DO NOTHING, just stick the suffix on 8) split + ing a) DOUBLE the last letter of the base word b) DROP the last letter of the base word c) CHANGE the Y at the end of the base word to an I d) DO NOTHING, just stick the suffix on 9) copy + ing a) DOUBLE the last letter of the base word b) DROP the last letter of the base word c) CHANGE the Y at the end of the base word to an I d) DO NOTHING, just stick the suffix on 10) angry + er a) DOUBLE the last letter of the base word b) DROP the last letter of the base word c) CHANGE the Y at the end of the base word to an I d) DO NOTHING, just stick the suffix on 11) party + ed a) DOUBLE the last letter of the base word b) DROP the last letter of the base word c) CHANGE the Y at the end of the base word to an I d) DO NOTHING, just stick the suffix on 12) refuse + ing a) DOUBLE the last letter of the base word b) DROP the last letter of the base word c) CHANGE the Y at the end of the base word to an I d) DO NOTHING, just stick the suffix on 13) cram + ing a) DOUBLE the last letter of the base word b) DROP the last letter of the base word c) CHANGE the Y at the end of the base word to an I d) DO NOTHING, just stick the suffix on 14) happy + est a) DOUBLE the last letter of the base word b) DROP the last letter of the base word c) CHANGE the Y at the end of the base word to an I d) DO NOTHING, just stick the suffix on 15) tape + ing a) DOUBLE the last letter of the base word b) DROP the last letter of the base word c) CHANGE the Y at the end of the base word to an I d) DO NOTHING, just stick the suffix on

Game Show Suffixes: Double, Drop or Change?



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