This asks you to delete. You are being marked on correctly following instructions. Do not circle or tick or you won't get the mark., Postcodes are all capitals and there is a space between the outward code and the inward code, e.g. XM4 5HQ, Write Male or Female but check your spelling., Write a number only for your age., Invent a suitable job title., Tick only one means just that. It doesn't matter which you tick. Miss this and you won't get the mark. Tick more than one and you won't get the mark., Tick one box to say how you usually travel to work. The selection "Other" requires you to write something., You need to write how long it usually takes to get to work using grammatical sentences to get the mark. Don't forget to begin with a capital letter and end with a full stop., This asks you to circle one number. Do not do anything else or you won't get the mark., You need to describe your journey to work using grammatical sentences to get the mark. Don't forget to begin with a capital letter and end with a full stop..

Ascentis Entry 3 Writing Task 1 Form


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