become - to start to be, close down - the act or process of ending the operations of a business, system, industry, etc. either temporarily or permanently, drop - to fall or to allow something to fall, grow - to increase in size or amount, or to become more advanced or developed, expand - to increase in size, number, or importance, or to make something increase in this way, export - to send goods to another country for sale, import - to buy or bring in products from another country, launch - to begin something such as a plan or introduce something new such as a product, manufacture - to produce goods in large numbers, usually in a factory using machines, market - to make goods available to buyers in a planned way that encourages people to buy more of them, for example by advertising, merge - to combine or join together, or to cause things to do this, produce - to make something or bring something into existence, set up - to start a new business, take over - to take control of a company by buying enough shares to do this, chain - a group of shops, hotels etc owned by the same person or the company, business - an organization which provides service or produces or sells goods, multinational - a company that has offices or factories in many countries, head office - the main office of a company, branch - an office or a shop which is a part of a larger organization, e.g. a bank, customer - someone who buys goods or services of a company, colleague, co-worker - a person who works with you, staff - the group of people who work for an organization, client - a person who receives a service from a professional person, e.g. a lawyer, the CEO (chief executive officer) - a person with the highest rank in the company, owner - a person who owns a business, manager - a person who is in charge of part of an organization, e.g a shop or a branch,
NEF Upper-intermediate 3rd edition Unit 9A Vocabulary: business
New English File Upper-intermediate 3rd edition
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