Period 1: 1491-1607, On a North American continent controlled by American Indians, contact among the peoples of Europe, the Americas, and West Africa created a new world., Italian voyager Christopher Columbus, sailing for Spain, makes landfall in what is now the Bahamas., Period 2: 1607-1754, Europeans and American Indians maneuvered and fought for dominance, control, and security in North America, and distinctive colonial and native societies emerged. , Jamestown was founded., Period 3: 1754-1800, British imperial attempts to reassert control over its colonies and the colonial reaction to these attempts produced a new American republic, along with struggles over the new nation’s social, political, and economic identity., The US Constitution replaced the Articles of Confederation., Period 4: 1800-1848, The new republic struggled to define and extend democratic ideals in the face of rapid economic, territorial, and demographic changes., In an effort to preserve the balance of free and slave states, Missouri is admitted as a slave state and Maine as a free state., Period 5: 1844-1877, As the nation expanded and its population grew, regional tensions, especially over slavery, led to a civil war — the course and aftermath of which transformed American society., As a result of an intensely disputed presidential election, federal troops supervising Reconstruction were removed from the South, and disputed electoral votes were awarded to Rutherford Hayes, the Republican candidate., Period 6: 1865-1898, The transformation of the United States from an agricultural to an increasingly industrialized and urbanized society brought about significant economic, political, diplomatic, social, environmental, and cultural changes., The first federal immigration law, the Chinese Exclusion Act, was passed., Period 7: 1890-1945, An increasingly pluralistic United States faced profound domestic and global challenges, debated the proper degree of government activism, and sought to define its international role. , The large scale conflicts now known as World War I and World War II occurred during this period., Periods 8 & 9: 1945-1980; 1980-present, After World War II, the United States grappled with prosperity and unfamiliar international responsibilities, while struggling to live up to its ideals. As the United States transitioned to a new century filled with challenges and possibilities, it experienced renewed ideological and cultural debates, sought to redefine its foreign policy, and adapted to economic globalization and revolutionary changes in science and technology., The Cold War conflict between the US and the Soviet Union results in "proxy" wars in other places, including Korea and Vietnam.,
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