stick to something - follow your rules and principles, be prone to smth - likely to do something, exaggerate - make a mountain out of a molehill, suck up to someone - try to win the approval and good opinion of someone in authority, take everything in one's stride - to deal with a problem or difficulty calmly, laid-back - not usually worried about other people's behaviour or things that need to be done:, undermine - lessen the effectiveness, power, or ability of, hit it off - get along from the very first moment, stand up for - speak or act in support of, a slacker - lazybones or couch potato, get back on the straight and narrow - behave in a way that is honest and moral, back down - surrender, pull one's weight - do one's bit , put smb at their ease - make one relaxed and not worried, see eye to eye - agree, pride oneself on smth - to be proud of smth, lighten-up - become less serious or gloomy, and more cheerful,

Outcomes Advanced Unit 2 vocabulary



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