What is the most shocking advertisement you have seen?, What is the funniest advertisement you have seen? Describe it., What makes an ad memorable?, Do you buy products because of advertising?, Do you find advertising persuasive?, Why do you buy one product over another?, Should alcohol or tobacco companies be allowed to advertise? Why or why not?, What do you think of celebrity endorsements?, Do favorite or annoying celebrities make you want or not want to buy a product?, Should there be advertisement-free zones?, Is there truth in advertising?, What are some effective adverts you have seen lately (on TV, newspaper, etc)?, What are some ineffective adverts you have seen lately?, Can you remember an advertising campaign that caught your attention?, Can TV advertising be a force for good?, How easy do you think it is to influence children with advertising?, Do you agree with anti-consumerism organizations that the child will have watched 350,000 commercials by the time she graduates from high school?, Do you think the government has he right to ban advertising for junk food and soda during children's TV programs. What do you think about this? Why do you think they made this decision?, Do political parties in (country) use TV advertising? If so, should they?, When out walking or shopping in the city, do you accept advertising fliers or free samples that are offered to you?, What would make an advertisement more interesting?, What is the most advertised product in your country?, What is the best form of advertising?, What gets you interested in an advertisement?, What is the funniest commercial that you have seen? Describe it., What differences can you notice between commercials from 10 or 15 years ago and commercials today?, Do you think ads influence the choices you make when you buy clothes?, Think of an ad you think is good or funny and tell about it., Do you think children or young people are easier to influence through ads compared to adults?, Do you think it's ok to show ads aimed at children on television? Why/ why not?, What are the harmful and the beneficial effects of advertising?, Do you think that ads create a desire for more and more material possessions?, Do you think that commercials on TV are annoying because they interrupt programs or do you think that many ads are more amusing that the programs on TV?, Do you think advertising is too expensive? What are the different methods of advertising?.
Let's talk about advertising
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