What are you most looking forward to about autumn?, What is something you want to learn this autumn?, What is your favourite autumn activity?, Did you use to like autumn when you were at school?, Pumpkin spice lattes or mulled apple cider?, What are your favourite autumn recipes?, Would you rather enjoy the autumn here or go to see the spring in Australia, Would you rather see the autumn leaves change or the spring cherry blossoms change?, Would you rather have an extra month of summer weather or of sunny autumn weather?, Would you rather carve a pumpkin or eat pumpkin oatmeal?, Would you rather jump in a giant pile of leaves or jump in all the puddles on your block wearing a nice pair of wellingtons?, Name five Things to do with a pumpkin, Name five clothes to wear on a chilly day, Name five rainy adjectives, Name five colours associated with autumn, If You Could eliminate one autumn tradition, which one would you get rid of?, If You Could extend one season for the whole year, which season would you choose?, If You Could spend this October/November in any country of the world, where would you go and why?, Tell me about your favourite autumn tradition., Tell me about an adventure you would like to take in autumn., Tell me about your favourite drink for a cosy autumn evening., Tell me about why you like — or don’t like — autumn., Tell me about your most cherished autumn memory..
Autumn Talk
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