1) They ran into the room even though it was against the rules. a) Simple b) Compound c) Complex 2) The man went to the shop and he bought bananas. a) Simple b) Compound c) Complex 3) Because the roads are too dangerous to drive on, college will be cancelled. a) Simple b) Compound c) Complex 4) The car sped down the icy road so it swerved and landed in a ditch. a) Simple b) Compound c) Complex 5) We all enjoyed the chocolate cake. a) Simple b) Compound c) Complex 6) Would you like to play soccer or would you like to play volleyball? a) Simple b) Compound c) Complex 7) The ball bounced really high when the children threw it. a) Simple b) Compound c) Complex 8) The weather forecast says that it will snow tomorrow. a) Simple b) Compound c) Complex 9) Although it was raining, they still had a good day. a) Simple b) Compound c) Complex 10) John jumped with excitement. a) Simple b) Compound c) Complex 11) I do not like onions nor do I like asparagus. a) Simple b) Compound c) Complex 12) The child complained about eating the green beans. a) Simple b) Compound c) Complex 13) What did you do this weekend? a) Simple b) Compound c) Complex 14) If you want to pass your exam, you need to work on the things you find difficult. a) Simple b) Compound c) Complex 15) They wanted to play a game but it was missing the spinner.  a) Simple b) Compound c) Complex

Simple, Compound, or Complex Sentences


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