1. it’s a very ____ painting by Leonardo da Vinci.2. The cathedral is a beautiful ____. 3. Microsoft is a big ____. 4. The city is ____ the ____ of the country. 5. Leave your ____ shoes by the door. 6. The museum is ____ (you don’t have to pay to get in) 7. She likes ____ TV in the evenings. 8. Can we ____ on Saturday? 8. Let’s ____ the tennis at Wimbledon.9. I met some interesting ____ in Poland. 10. What’s on at the ____ this week? 11. Let’s ____ outside the cinema. 12. I like listening to ____. 13. He’s a ____ in the supermarket. 14. she was too ____ – the train had already left. 15. The town centre is always ____ on Sundays. 16. he always wears ____ clothes. 17. I walk in the park to ____.18. He doesn’t ____ his job. 19. We need ____ cross the ____. 20. I get paid on the last day of the ____. 21. Bristol is ____ the ____ of England. 22. I work for a ____ company now. 23. I like my job but I don’t get much ____ for it. 24. the weather ____ very cold last week. 25. the film was so ____ we left ____ the end. 26. I ____ a really ____ programme on TV last night.27. The restaurant ____ very ____ on Friday evenings. 28. It was very ____ taking a taxi to the airport. 29. He worked as a ____ for over thirty years. 30. He works as a nurse in the ____. 31. She’s the manager of the sales ____. 32. This one is broken – can you get me a ____ one? 33. It’s very ____ to find the cinema. 34. Did you ____ your holiday? 35. Doctors don’t get much ____.36. What time do you ____? 37. They ____ for a meal. 38. He was tired and ____ to go to bed early. 39. Do you ____ when the film starts? 40. Russian is a difficult ____ to learn. 41. Did you try the ____ food when you were in Rome? 42. I enjoy the job, but I have to work ____. 43. she came to ____ me at the airport. 44. It’s a nice ____ of town.


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