Describe what scares you. What do you do when you feel when scared? How do you react?, Good vibes: explain what makes you smile. What makes you happy?, Write a quick poem about what's for breakfast, lunch or dinner., Dread: write about waiting to do something that you really don't want to do., Smoke, fog and haze: write a description of not being able to see ahead of you., Mirror, mirror: what if your mirror started talking to you? What would it say?, Eavesdropper: create a poem, very short story or journal entry about an overheard conversation., Envision a dragon: do you battle it or befriend it? Describe what happens., Write about staying quiet when you feel like shouting., Dancing: who's dancing and why? Describe it., Silly sports: explain an extreme or silly sport. What happens? What are the rules?, The found poem: find a random book and circle some words on a page with a pencil. Turn these words into a poem., Jewellery: write about a piece of jewellery. Who does it belong to? Why is it special?, Just say no: write about the power you felt when you told someone no., Write a recipe for something random., Closed doors: what's behind the door? Why is it closed?, Shadow: imagine that you are someone's shadow for a day. What happens?, Weather: what's the weather like somewhere you wish you could be?, Darkness: write a poem or description about what you CAN'T see., Great minds: write about someone whose intelligence or creativity you admire., Choose a famous painting and write about it., Light switch: write about coming out of the dark and seeing the light., Numbers: write a poem or journal entry about numbers that have a special meaning to you., Animal: choose an animal and describe it without naming it., Car keys: write about someone getting their driver's licence for the first time., Fire-starters: write about building a warming fire., Sugar: write about something so sweet that it makes your teeth hurt., Eye contact: write about two people seeing each other for the first time., Greeting: write a very short story that begins with someone saying "hello"., Caught: write about being caught doing something embarrassing..

Random short creative writing cards



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