A customer calls in. They have been waiting over 2 hours for their service provider and are very upset because they are missing their daughter's first dance recital., A customer calls in and is very upset that their service provider damaged their car while changing their flat tire., A customer calls in and is very angry that no one has been assigned to help them yet. It's been over an hour, and they are wondering what is taking so long., A customer calls in and is upset that no one has arrived to pick them up yet. They requested an STM 45 minutes ago and need to get to work., A service provider calls in and is angry because the customer is not at the vehicle location he was told. He feels like his time was wasted because it was an hour drive from his shop., A service provider calls in and is upset because she hasn't been paid yet. It's been 3 days since the job was completed., A service provider calls in and is upset that they have not been paid yet for the job they just completed. They are threatening to hold the vehicle hostage until they receive payment., A service provider calls in and is angry because he has been banned from the platform. His Console notes show that he has a history of price gouging. .
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