What sports do you like?, How many rooms are there in your house?, Where do you have lunch?, Where do you go at the weekend?, Tell me about your favourite toy., Tell me about your favourite drinks., Tell me about your school., What do you like doing at home?, Tell me about the weekends., Where do you live?, Who do you play with at school?, What do you like eating?, Who is the youngest in your family?, Who cooks dinner in your house?, When do you play computer games?, Tell me about your hobbies., What do you like reading?, When do you go shopping?, How many children are there in your class?, Tell me about your favourite sport., What games do you play after school?, What do you like watching on television?, What time do you go to bed?, When do you do your homework?, Where do you like going with your friends?, What do you do after supper?, Tell me about your evenings., Tell me about your mother., Who do you sit next to at school?, Tell me about things you do at the weekend?, Where do you like going with your friends?, Where do you watch television?, Who do you go shopping with?, When do you do your homework?, What day do you have your English lessons?, Where do you like going on holidays?, How many people are there in your family?, What do you do at home after school?, Tell me about your teacher., What games o you play with your friends?, Tell me about your evenings., Tell me about your best friend., What’s your favourite food?, What do you do with your friends at the weekend?, What day do you have your English class?, Where’s the best place to go at the weekend?, What did you do last weekend?, What do you like buying?, Where do you play with your friends?, Where do you have your English lessons?, What do you do with your family at the weekend?, Who do you like playing with after school?, Tell me about your best friend., Where do you have breakfast?, Tell me about your holidays., Who lives in your house?, Are your friends boys or girls?, What do you eat for lunch?, What clothes do you like wearing?, Is English difficult or easy?, Tell me about your holidays., Where do you eat in your home?, Tell me about your favourite shop., When do you play computer games?, What did you do last holiday?,
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