metaphor - comparison of unlike things saying that one thing is a dissimilar object or thing, antagonist - the person or force in conflict with a protagonist, first person - a point of view in which the narrator is a person in the story, hyperbole - an exaggeration that cannot possible be true , tone - the author shows you what a character is like through his thoughts, feelings, words, choices and action, foreshadowing - hints or clues that suggest what may happen later in the story, irony - what happens is the opposite of what we expect to happen, mood - the atmosphere or feeling created by literature, third person omniscient - A point of view where the narrator knows all, flashback - the author interrupts the plot and to recreate an event of earlier time, plot - what happens in the story, the chain of events that make a story, personification - giving human qualities to a non-human thing, falling action - an event that follows the climax and leads to the resolution, simile - a comparison using LIKE or AS, stanza - a group of lines set apart in a poem with rhyme and space, idiom - a group of words whose collective meaning is quite different from its literal meaning , alliteration - the repeating of the same initial consonant sound among words, historical fiction - a novel that is set in the past and may include events from history, setting - time and place of story, refrain - a phrase or lines of a poem that are repeated, allegory - a story with two levels of wemaning, as urface level meaning and a symbolic or metaphoric meaning, theme - a truth about life that is revealed in a story , onomatopoeia - words that make sounds that suggest their meaning, science fiction - a genre that is set in the future and based on the impact of real or imagined technology, end rhymes - rhymes at the end of lines, consonance - repeating of consonant sounds among words "Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers.", exposition - Where the setting, character and basic situation are revealed , point of view - a standpoint from which a story is told. , imagery - vivid writing that appeals to the senses. , direct charactization - the author tells you expressly what a character is like , suspense - the anxiety a reader feels about what comes next int e story, realistic fiction - a genre that is set in the modern present with human characters, third person limited - the narrator is not in the story but focuses on one character's point of view, narrative poem - a form of poetry that tells a story and has a setting, characters and a plot, lyric poem - poetry that expresses the thoughts and feelings of the writer or speaker and has a songlike quality and specific rhyme schemes, dynamic character - a character who undergoes a deep change from within, partial rhyme - words whose final syllables almost rhyme, assomance - the repetition of vowel sounds among words, complete rhyme - words whose final syllables have the exact same sound,




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