What restaurant do you eat at most?, hat is your go to pizza restaraunt?, What’s the worst fast food restaurant?, What is the best restaurant in your area?, What is the fanciest restaurant you have eaten at?, What kind of interior do you like a restaurant to have?, What is the worst restaurant you have ever eaten at?, What is the most disgusting food you have ever been served at a restaraunt?, Whats the best BBQ you've ever had in a restaraunt?, If you opened a restaurant, what kind of food would you serve?, What is a minor thing that infuriates you when eating at a restaraunt?, What is the strangest themed restaurant you have heard of?, Would you eat at a restaurant that was really dirty if the food was amazing?, What is the most disgusting thing you have heard happened at a restaurant?, What was your favorite restaurant when you were a child?, What is the most delicious food you have ever been served at a restaraunt?, What is the one chain restaraunt you would never eat at?.



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