Correct: Sign in as soon as you enter the library , Greet your Library staff, Key in your ID to check out a book, You have 3 days to return books, Use a ruler to save a book's spot, Return books on the left side of the circulation desk, You are not allowed behind the circulation desk, Mrs. R. Ozuna is your Librarian, Mrs. C. Olivarez is your Library Clerk, We use whisper voices in the library, Books must be returned on time, You form a line to check out a book, No pushing, no running in the library, Return books on time, Ask permission to use the computers, Ask permission before printing , 3 books is the max you can check out, Laptops must be taken care of properly, Leave your backpack by the entrance, Always ask before using the restrooms, Incorrect: No need to sign in, Use screaming voices, Ignore your Library staff, Books can be returned within 10 days, The ruler is to play with, I can place returned books on the shelves, I can be behind the circulation desk, I can push my peers, I can run in the library, I can return books whenever, I can hit myself with the ruler, I don't need to form a line to check out books, I don't need to form a line to return a book, I can destroy the books, I can break my laptop if I want to, I can print whatever I want, I can check out 10 books at a time, I can wear my backpack as I look for a book, I can run straight to the restroom,
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