1) What are explicit details? a) an educated guess about something based on your reasoning and what is written in the text b) Statements directly in a text c) to persuade, entertain and inform readers 2) How do you make an inference about something? a) I use what I read in the text b) I use what I already know to come to a conclusion about something that is not exactly written in the text c) all of the above 3) Americans throw away millions of plastic bags each year. This poses a threat to animal life. In order to cut back on this waste, you should take your own reusable bags to the grocery store. What is the purpose of this short paragraph?  a) to entertain b) to persuade c) to inform 4) A fictional mystery novel is best considered an example of: a) persuasion b) entertainment c) informing the reader 5) Queen Elizabeth II died on Thursday, in Scotland, ending a reign of seventy years, which began in Winston Churchill’s second premiership, in the early nineteen-fifties. She is succeeded by her son, who will now be called Charles III. This is an example of a) entertainment b) persuasion c) information




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