Nonverbal Communication - The transfer of information through the use of body language including eye contact, facial expressions, gestures, and more., Spoken (Verbal) Communication - Using words to send an intentional message to a listener., Pronunciation - How you say a word. Using correct sounds to emphasize certain syllables, etc., Enunciation - To pronounce the wordS clearly., Tone - The inflection, rise and fall, of the sound. Often used to convey specific emotions., Cadence - The rhythmic flow of a sequence of sounds or words, including pauses., Barrier - Anything that hinders the flow of communication., Organizational Barrier - Barrier among employees that might result in a commercial failure of an organization., Physical Barrier - An element or physical factor that acts as a distraction to hinder the flow of communication., Physiological Barrier - The limitations of the human body and the human mind., Language Barrier - Obstacles like the lack of knowledge of a specific language that obstructs communication., Cultural Barrier - An issue arising from a misunderstanding of meaning due to cultural differences., Psychological Barrier - The influence of the psychological state of the communicators which blocks communication., Technology Barrier - Any miscommunication caused by technology integration, slow internet, lack of training, etc., Bias-free language - Language that does not discriminate; includes all members in a fair and friendly manner., Political Message - A message that serves a political purpose., Commercial Message - A message that is trying to sell or promote an item or service., Social Message - A message that is sent using social media; a message that shares information with a social group., Personal Message - A message sent to a single individual., Educational Message - A message used to inform or educate; a message delivered by an educational institution., Body Language - Communication using your body such as hand gestures, facial expressions, etc.,

Business Communications Vocabulary



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