1) DEPENDABILITY MEANS BEING MEAN. TRUE, FALSE, MAYBE TRUE OR FALSE a) TRUE b) FALSE c) MAYBE TRUE OR FALSE 2) DEPENDABILITY MEANS YOU CAN BE: relied upon, told upon, asked upon, all of the above a) TOLD b) ASKED c) RELIED d) all of the above 3) DANCE FOR 20 SECONDS : yes, no, pick your nose a) YES PLEASE b) NO SIT DOWN c) JUST PICK YOUR NOSE 4) WHAT ARE 3 SYNONYMS OF DEPENDABILITY: reliable, trustworthy, responsible, all of the above a) RELIABLE b) TRUSTWORTHY c) RESPONSIBLE d) ALL OF THE ABOVE 5) 20 SQUATS: YES, NO, MAKE IT 20, MAKE IT 30 a) YES b) NO c) MAKE IT 30 d) MAKE IT 20 6) DEPENDABILITY MEANS: you lie to others, you stand people up, you follow through with what you say, you forget about it a) lie to others b) stand people up c) forget about it d) follow through on what you say 7) SING TWINKLE TWINKLE LITTLE STAR: yes, no, maybe a) yes b) no c) maybe 8) NAME 3 LEADERSHIP WORDS IN 10 SECONDS a) dependability b) tact c) loyalty d) any of these traits e) initiative f) integrity 9) RUN IN PLACE FOR 30 SECONDS: yes, no, maybe later a) make it 35 lol b) yes c) no d) maybe later e) MAKE IT 40 f) MAKE IT 1 MINUTE 10) 20 SQUATS IN SPANISH EVERYONE: NO, NO, NO,NO, YESSSSSS a) YESSSSSSSSSS b) NO c) MAYBE d) NOT e) DONT THINK SO f) WHY? I DON'T FEEL LIKE EXERCISING 11) SCREAM OUT LOUD! YOU ARE THE BOMB COACH DAVIS LOL a) SCREAM IT NOW!!!! b) NO c) DON'T DO IT d) IM WAYYYYY TO COOL TO DO THAT e) WE DON'T LIKE COACH DAVIS f) I DON'T THINK SO 12) ACT OUT YOUR FAVORITE SPORT FOR 10 SECONDS EVERYONE a) NO b) I KNOW YOU LIEING!!!! c) REALLY COACH d) HEYYYYYY WHY NOT. YES!!!! LOL e) NOPE f) WHY DO I HAVE TO DO THIS? 13) UNSCRAMBLE THESE WORDS: BRAILLE, TCAT a) relabeli, cat b) liberal, catt c) braille, tact d) reliable, tact e) buckwheat, turdhead f) I CAN'T FIGURE THIS OUT! 14) UNSCRAMBLE THESE WORDS: NOHEYTS, RUSTTYWHOTR a) HONESTY, TRUSTWORTHY b) HONESTY, SORRYWORST c) HONEST, TRUSTWORRY d) WORTHYTRUTHS, HONESTY e) WORMWALLY, TRUSTWORRY f) HONEST, TRUSTWORTHY 15) UNSCRAMBLE THIS WORD: EDLEBPAEDN a) PANELED b) PEDALED c) NEEDLED d) BELEAPED e) DEPENDABLE f) BEWITCHED
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