Densely populated - Many people, Sparsely populated - Few people (not many), Coastline - Border between land & water, Pacific Region - California is located in this region, Wave crest - Highest part of a wave, Sea level - Level of the sea's surface, Sea foam - The white part of a wave, Mist - Spray of water or light rain, Sunset - Twilight or dusk, Sunrise - Daybreak or dawn, Giant Redwoods - Very tall trees only found in CA, Sacramento - The capital of California, California - 3rd largest state in USA after Alaska & Texas, San Francisco - The Golden Gate Bridge is in ...., 40 million - California Population, 68 million - France Population, Wind - What can make wildfires spread?, Dry conditions - What can cause a fire?, Earthquakes - This natural disaster is common in CA, Los Angeles - 2nd most populated city in the USA, Directions - North-South-East-West, Import - Bring goods (biens) and services INTO a place, Export - Send goods and services TO a place, Vinyard - Place where grapes are cultivated for wine, "The Golden State" - Every state has a nickname,

California Dreamin' Flashcards



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