1) Milk Truck, Kiss the Cat, or Catch Lunch? a) pich b) pick c) pitch 2) Milk Truck, Kiss the Cat, or Catch Lunch? a) kell b) cell c) celk 3) Milk Truck, Kiss the Cat, or Catch Lunch? a) tack b) tak c) tatch 4) Milk Truck, Kiss the Cat, or Catch Lunch? a) kik b) cick c) kick 5) Milk Truck, Kiss the Cat, or Catch Lunch? a) kob b) cob c) cotch 6) Milk Truck, Kiss the Cat, or Catch Lunch? a) click b) clik c) klick 7) Milk Truck, Kiss the Cat, or Catch Lunch? a) luk b) luc c) luck 8) Milk Truck, Kiss the Cat, or Catch Lunch? a) wich b) witch c) watch 9) Milk Truck, Kiss the Cat, or Catch Lunch? a) krutch b) cruch c) crutch 10) Milk Truck, Kiss the Cat, or Catch Lunch? a) clock b) klock c) clok 11) Milk Truck, Kiss the Cat, or Catch Lunch? a) chek b) check c) chec 12) Milk Truck, Kiss the Cat, or Catch Lunch? a) krunch b) cruntch c) crunch 13) Milk Truck, Kiss the Cat, or Catch Lunch? a) patch b) pach c) pack 14) Milk Truck, Kiss the Cat, or Catch Lunch? a) bulck b) buck c) bulk 15) Milk Truck, Kiss the Cat, or Catch Lunch? a) sik b) sick c) sic
Barton 3.6, 3.7, 3.9 Review: Milk Truck, Kiss the Cat, or Catch Lunch?
Barton Reading
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