1) God does not exist because every argument for the existence of God has been shown to be unsound. a) Appeal to ignorance b) Appeal to authority c) Appeal to pity d) Begging the question 2) Smoking causes cancer because my father was a smoker and he died of lung cancer. a) Red Herrring b) Strawman c) Hasty generalization d) Genetic Fallacy 3) The testimony of the defendant accused of manslaughter in this indictment should be disallowed because she has been arrested for shoplifting on many occasions. a) Ad Hominem b) Ad Populum c) Strawman d) Genetic Fallacy 4) Oriental Philosophy is the best course taught at Lander University. I know this because all of my friends say so. a) Ad Hominem b) Ad populum c) Strawman d) Genetic fallacy 5) Hilda Robinson, an old backwoods, ignorant lady who never got past the fourth grade in school, claims that chicken soup is good for a cold. What does she know? She is ignorant of the scientific evidence. a) Ad Hominem b) Ad populum c) red herring d) Hasty generalization 6) Einstein became a great physicist because his parents and his teachers left him alone to dream. Had they badgered him to study, he never would have gotten beyond the Swiss patent office. a) Appeal to authority b) strawman c) red herring d) False cause 7) Smoking marijuana will lead to other drugs and crime and ultimately to felony convictions.” a) Slippery slope b) strawman c) equivocation d) bandwagon 8) Refutes a person’s actual position and substitutes a distorted, exaggerated or misrepresented version of that position. a) Ad populum b) Ad hominem c) strawman  d) red herring 9) Uses irrelevance to distract attention from the real issue. a) Ad populum/bandwagon b) Ad hominem c) strawman d) red herring 10) Attacks the character of a person rather than the claim made. a) Ad populum b) Ad hominem c) Genetic fallacy d) red herring

Quiz4 Fallacies critical Thinking AAP


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