Good actors are people (who/that/whose)..., I'm a big fan of movies (that/which)..., I can't stand movies (that/which)..., Avatar is a movie (that/which)..., My favourite movie scene is the one (when/which/that)..., I am a big fan of (name of the actor/actress) (who/whose/that)..., Harry Potter is a character (who/whose/that)..., I think John Wick is a film (which/that)..., There aren't many famous actors (who/whose/that)..., I don't agree that Angeline Jolie is the actress (that/who/whose)..., In my opinion, Netflix creates the movies (where/which/that)..., I would never watch the movie (which/that/where)..., The Harry Potter films are about a school (which/that/where)..., Shrek is a fairytale about an ogre (who/that/whose)..., The movie 1917 tells about the time (when/that)..., Wednesday series is about a girl (who/that/whose)....

Roadmap B1 (4C. Defining relative clauses)


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