Intrusion: Recurrent distressing memories, Recurrent distressing dreams, Flashbacks, Negative cognitive alterations: Unable to recall important aspects of the traumatic event(s), Negative self-beliefs, Diminished interest in significant activities, Inability to experience positive emotions, Dissociative Manifestations: Feeling disconnected from one's own body (depersonalization), Sense external environment is not real, like watching a movie (derealization), Identify confusion and fluctuation in thoughts, beliefs, and opinions, Avoidance Manifestations: Efforts to avoid distressing memories, thoughts, and feelings related to the trauma, Avoidance of people, places, and situations that arouse distressing thoughts, Arousal Manifestations: Irritable and angry outbursts, Reckless or self-destructive behavior, Problems with concentration, A state of heightened awareness (hypervigilance),

MH: PTSD Manifestations


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