given name - first name (American English), maiden name - a woman’s family name before she got married and started using her husband’s family name, name after - give someone or something the same name as another person or thing, live up to your name - do as well as they were expected to because of what their name or title is, make a name for yourself - to become famous for something, household name - someone who is famous, put your name forward - to suggest formally that you should be considered for a particular job, membership of an organisation etc, clear your name - to prove that you are not guilty of something, by name - using a person’s name, in name only - situation that does not really exist even though officially people say it does, surname - the name that you share with your parents, or often with your husband if you are a married woman, and which in English comes at the end of your full name, middle name - the name that is between your first name and your family name, married name - a woman’s last name, when she has changed it to her husband’s name,

Speakout Advanced Unit 1 Phrases with name definitions (English C1)



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