1) What does Pfisd stand for?? a) Pflugezile frogs i so district b) Pflugerbile Indepencildemt scool district c) I dont know d) Pflugerville independent school district e) Plantsvile pens school district f) I like turtles 2) What does CTE stand for??? a) Abcdefg b) Vroom technical eat c) Carer techmocal edutcatio d) Karere tekhnicsl eduticanion e) Career technical education f) AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!! 3) What is the purpose of CTE???? a) eating food and then walking to the park andd then sleep b) Going to a party and dancing with friends c) walking to school to only see your friends d) A industry certifications and licenses postsecondary e) EATING YUMMY CHICKEN BURGERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! f) EATING COOKIES WITH COCA COLA AND APPLE JUCIE 4) What percentage of high school students engaged in CTE a) 500% b) i dont know c) 92% d) 0% e) 14% f) 60000000%

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