allege - if you ... something bad, or ... that someone has done something wrong, you say that you think it is true but you do not have proof yet, allocate - to ... things means to decide which person or organisation should receive them and what they should use them for, ballot - a ... is a vote in which people choose a representative, or vote for or against a particular proposal, bribery - is illegally paying money to someone in authority so that they will do something useful for you, broad - if there is ... agreement about something, most people agree about it, call - to ... an election, a meeting, etc. means to officially announce that it must happen and say when it will be, cast - if you ... a vote, you officially vote, consensus - if there is ..., everybody agrees about something, cover up - to ... something ... means to stop people from knowing about it, especially when it is something that is illegal or embarrassing, federal - a ... system of government involves states which have a lot of control over their own affairs, but which all belong to the same country with a central government that makes decisions for everyone on important matters such as foreign policy, hollow - a statement, event, or person that is ... does not have any real value, effectiveness, or sincerity, landslide - a ... victory is when someone wins an election with a very big majority, line - a party ..., government ..., etc., is a set of beliefs and attitudes that a political party or a government holds, and that its members are expected to follow, lobby - to ... politicians or governments means to talk to them in an organised way to try and get them to change a law or introduce a new law, outspoken - someone who is ... is not afraid to say what they think, even when they know people will not agree with them, prominent - someone who is .... is one of the most important people in their field of work, and is well-known and successful, referendum - a ... is an occasion when every adult is asked to vote about one particular issue, and the government has to accept what the majority of voters say, rig - to ... an election or competition means to cheat in order to get a result that would not be the case if everything was run fairly, stand - to ... in an election means to be a candidate in the election, unanimous - a ... decision is one that is agreed to by everyone who is involved in making it,

outcomes advanced unit 4 cast your vote


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