career cluster - Group of occupational and career specialties., alternative - Choice or option., decision - Choice or judgment., SMART goal - Goal that is specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and timely., decision-making process - Seven-step guide to help make important decisions carefully and logically., trade-off - Exchange in which one thing is given up in return for another., implement - To put a plan into action., routine decision - Choice or judgment made often., personal program of study - Tool used to map out the coursework and other activities required to meet a career or academic goal., impulse decision - Choice or judgment made quickly without much thought; sometimes called a snap decision., major decision - Important choice requiring careful thought because it affects a person’s personal life and career., goal - Target a person tries to reach or achieve., career pathway - Subgroup within a career cluster that reflects occupations requiring similar knowledge and skills., career plan - List of steps needed to reach a career goal.,

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