Marketing - preformance of business activities the direct the flow of goods & services from producer to consumer. , Creation - marketing is involved from the beginning as products and services are being developed. , Accounting and finances - plans and manage financial resources. , Marketing mix - product, promotion, place & prices are called what in marketing?, Pricing - Establish & communicate the value of products & service to prospective customers. , Relationship marketing - developing customer loyalty, customers continue to purchase from a business. , Production - Raw Materials, Processing, Agriculture, Manufacturing and Services are types of , The functions of business - Production, Operations, Management, Accounting & Finance, Marketing -Information Management - obtaining, managing and using market information to improve decision making. , Management - Developing, implementing and evaluating a business's plans & activities , Exchange relationship. - giving & receiving something of value , Concentrating on one thing or related activities is known as - Specialization of Labor , Marketing Functions - Distribution & financing are examples of what function , Marketing Plan - written description of marketing strategies a business pursues. , Nine - How many marketing functions are there?, Market - a group of prospective customers , Central Marketing - a location where people bring products to be conveniently exchanged , Maintenance - Marketing must continue to be used as long as a business operating , Distribution - locations and methods used to make a product available for customers., Product - Quality, packaging and design describes a ,
Marketing Basics
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