Name one rule you really don’t like. Can you think of a good reason for that rule?, When is it hard to focus in class? What would make it easier?, Give an example of when you stopped yourself getting out of control because you were angry. , Why is it important to know how to regulate and control your emotions?, What is something that you look forward to in school? , If someone wanted to know how to stop getting in trouble, what advice would you give them?, The teacher has asked times to work on my assignment , When is it okay to touch someone during the school day? , Is it appropriate to make a comment about someone's appearance? , How do you feel when you do good on an assignment or get a good grade? , Small problems are easy to fix by yourself and are not dangerous. Medium problems might make me feel upset and I may need an adult for help. Big problems can last for a long time and I need an adults help ASAP, it could make me feel hurt. Give an example of a small problem. , Small problems are easy to fix by yourself and are not dangerous. Medium problems might make me feel upset and I may need an adult for help. Big problems can last for a long time and I need an adults help ASAP, it could make me feel hurt. Give an example of a medium problem., Is it okay to make mistakes?, Small problems are easy to fix by yourself and are not dangerous. Medium problems might make me feel upset and I may need an adult for help. Big problems can last for a long time and I need an adults help ASAP, it could make me feel hurt. Give an example of a big problem. , Cooperate means share, take turns, and doing what the other person wants. When is it hard to cooperate? , What is one characteristic of a good friend?, How can you find out if someone likes the same things you do?, Pretend you’re talking to a new student. What are some polite and friendly things you can say?, What makes you really mad? When you feel that mad, where can you go so you don’t get into trouble?, Pretend someone is laughing at you and they won’t stop. What would you do? , Give an example of a feeling in the blue zone. , Give an example of a feeling in the yellow zone. , Someone told you to leave them alone, what should you do? , A classmate throws something at you during class, what should you do? , Tell and show one way to calm your anger., What is something you can think while you're angry to make yourself feel better?.
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