recreational - done for enjoyment or relaxation, not as a job or for serious reasons., soar - to fly high up in the air, usually without effort., underwent - experienced or went through something, especially a change or process., remarkable - impressive and deserving attention because it is unusual or special., phenomenon - a fact or event that can be observed and studied, especially one that is not fully understood., camaraderie - a feeling of friendship and trust among people who work together or spend time together., manoeuvres - planned movements or actions that are used to achieve a particular goal or result., hurtling - moving quickly and with great force, often in an uncontrolled way., rudimentary - basic and simple, not very developed or advanced., humble - modest and not thinking you are better than others., daring - brave and willing to take risks., conquering - successfully overcoming or defeating something difficult or challenging.,

Skiing text vocabulary. London Centre of English Wlodawa


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