1) How to spell his name a) Pete Butigieg b) Pet Butttigieg c) Pete Butttigieg d) Pete Buttigieg e) Oete Buttigieg f) Pate Buttegeg 2) How to spell her name a) Laeh Englandar b) Leah Englander c) Leeah Englander d) Leah Englandur e) Leaah Englnder f) Leah Enlander 3) How to spell his name a) Tim Walls b) Tem Walz c) Tim Waltz d) Tim Walz e) Timm Wals f) Tim Wals 4) How to spell her name a) Karmala Harris b) Kammalla Haris c) Camila Harris d) Kamla Harris e) Kamala Harrris f) Kamala Harris 5) How to spell his name a) Jon Kenedy b) John Kenedy c) John Kennedy d) John Kennnedy e) Jonh Kennedy f) John Kennedi 6) How to spell his name a) Micheal Dukakis b) Mical Dukekakis c) Mikeal Dukakiss d) Michael Dukakis e) Michael Dukakes f) Michel Dukakis 7) How to spell his name a) Donald Trump b) Donnald Trum c) Donald Tump d) Donal Trump e) Donaldo Trump  f) Ronald Trump 8) How to spell his name a) Gavin Newsome b) Gavin Newson c) Gavin Newsom d) Gavn Nesom e) Ganin Newsomm f) Gevin Newsome 9) How to spell his name a) Andrew Como b) Anrew Cuomo c) Andrew Cuomu d) Andrrew Cuomoh e) Andrew Cuomo f) Andrew Cuomoo 10) How to spell his name a) Barak Obama b) Barack Obamna c) Barrack Obama d) Barack Obama e) Barac Obamu f) Barack Obamà

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