Basic Christian Principle: All humans are - created in the image of God, Basic Christian Principle: God creates - our body and soul., Basic Christian Principle: All humans have - dignity, Basic Christian Principle: We should respect those who are - poor, sick, sinners, etc. , Even though God made us, He gave us - intellect and free will., Intellect is - the ability to think for oneself., Free will is - the ability to make our own decisions, God doesn't control our actions/choices, but - He already know what we'll choose. , Conscience is - internal judgement of what is right and wrong., We can work to - form our conscience., We develop our conscience by: - prayer, learning, reflecting & nurturing good friendships., Virtues are: - positive attitude, compassion, kindness, integrity, Vices are: - greed, cruelty, theft, Cardinal Virtues: - prudence, justice, temperance, fortitude, Theological Virtues: - Faith, hope, charity/love, Prudence - the ability to choose right, Justice - to be fair and equitable, Temperance - to have self control, Fortitude - to be brave and courageous, Faith - believing in God, Hope - longing to get to Heaven and trust in God, Charity/Love - Loving God above all things and Loving your neighbor,
Christian Living
4th Grade
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