1) feeling of wonder and astonishment a) marveling b) tinkering c) mused 2) trying to repair or improve something by making small changes a) marveling b) tinkering c) mused 3) thought long and quietly a) marveling b) tinkering c) mused 4) extended across or over a) absorbed b) bore c) spanned 5) a person or thing that is dull or not interesting a) absorbed b) bore c) spanned 6) held the interest of a) absorbed b) bore c) spanned 7) trust that a person will not tell a secret a) confidence b) trial c) manner 8) a trying or testing of something a) confidence b) trial c) manner 9) a rod or bar attached to a machine, used to work or control it a) trial b) lever c) manner 10) the way in which something is done a) trial b) lever c) manner

Orville and Wilbur Wright Vocab



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