1) диригент a) easy-to-read b) conductor c) cameraman d) composer 2) драматург a) playwright b) venue c) flute d) bookworm 3) гурт a) cello b) live gig c) band d) publisher 4) художник озвучення a) chapter b) voice-over artist c) adaptation d) drawing 5) вуличний музикант a) busker b) hit c) stuntman d) cartoonist 6) начерк a) sketch b) curtain c) cast d) fresh 7) сюжет a) blank verse b) script c) romcom d) plot 8) покажчик a) sequel b) index c) limerick d) blurb 9) шпигун a) novelist b) paperback c) spy d) set 10) закреслити a) to write up b) to cross out c) to boo d) to live 11) вивчити напам'ять a) to learn by heart b) to take over c) to run down d) to stand in for 12) розпродати a) to come up with b) to tune in c) to look out for d) to sell out

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