I think I’m becoming addicted to my phone., I’m visiting a birthday party this weekend and I still haven’t chosen what to wear., My wife pays more attention to our cat than to me., I want to lose weight and I can’t do that., My 7 and 4 year old daughters are always screaming and fighting, it’s so annoying., My parents don’t like my boyfriend., I don’t know how to tell my girlfriend that she has gained too much weight., My sister is always arguing with me even about small and silly things, I’m afraid to invite this girl to go out with me, she’s too popular, My husband never helps me with anything around the house though we both work full-time, I have a sunburn!, My boss doesn’t let me go on holiday!, I want to be fit!, I’m exhausted!, My mother-in-law is always criticizing my cooking skills!, I don’t know what to do at the weekends!, My friend got me some Korean ointment and now all my face is bright red. , My colleague came to work with a cold. Now I’m starting to cough. .
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