Title - Quickly tells the reader what information they will learn about, Table of Contents - Shows students the different chapter or section titles and where they are located, Index - Directs students where to go in the text to find specific information on a topic, word, or person, Glossary - Identifies important vocabulary words for students and gives their definitions, Headings or subtitles - Help the reader identify the main idea for that section of text, Sidebars - Are set apart from the main text, (usually located on the side or bottom of the page) and elaborate on a detail mentioned in the text, Pictures and Captions - Show an important object or idea from the text, Labeled Diagrams - Allow readers to see detailed depictions of an object from the text with labels that teach the important components, Charts and graphs - Represent and show data related to, or elaborate on, something in the main body of text, Maps - Help a reader locate a place in the world that is related to text,

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