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Liczba wyników dla zapytania „americas”: 13

Americas or not?
Americas or not? Posortuj
Map of Americas
Map of Americas Rysunek z opisami
Christopher Columbus and his voyages
Christopher Columbus and his voyages Labirynt
Parts of an 18th century sugar cane plantation
Parts of an 18th century sugar cane plantation Rysunek z opisami
Possible Migration Routes  and Settlement Patterns of the First Americans
Possible Migration Routes and Settlement Patterns of the First Americans Rysunek z opisami
Early Settlers of the Americas
Early Settlers of the Americas Uzupełnij zdanie
The Triangular Trade
The Triangular Trade Rysunek z opisami
The Transatlantic Slave Trade
The Transatlantic Slave Trade Anagram
The Conquest of the Incas word search
The Conquest of the Incas word search Znajdź słowo
The Last Tainos, the First Africans
The Last Tainos, the First Africans Test
The Columbian Exchange
The Columbian Exchange Prawda czy fałsz
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