Phonics Nursery
Przykłady z naszej społeczności
Liczba wyników dla zapytania „phonics nursery”: 5 402
CVC 1 Blending with phonemes s, m, a, c, t, p, g, o
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CVC rhyming family words ‘at’
O rety! Krety!
Subitising gingerbread men (easier)
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Numicon Spinner
Koło fortuny
Dots, fingers and 5 frames (subitising)
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Rhyming words
Znajdź parę
1.1 Blending with phonemes s, m, c, t, g, p, a, o
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subitising sunflower seeds
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Easter subitising
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Up to 3 Dots, fingers and 5 frames (subitising)
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Match the CVC word to the picture
Znajdź parę
Numbers 1-10
Koło fortuny
christmas satpin
Połącz w pary
Up to 3 subitising game (instant recall of amounts)
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apples, conkers and dots subitising to 3
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Subistising dots, sunflowers and seeds
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Subitising jelly beans
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What can you see? 3 or not 3?
Prawda czy fałsz
Dots, fingers, 5 frames and Numicon (subitising 1-5)
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1-4 Snake biscuits subitising
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Christmas Matching pairs
Spring Subitising. What do you See?
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Phase 3 Tricky Words
Koło fortuny
Phase 2/3 Recap Game
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Phonics 'sh' words
O rety! Krety!
'ur' sound
O rety! Krety!
Phase 5 Mix up!
oa ow o_e
oa (random cards)
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Stickman at the beach
Rysunek z opisami
oa ow o_e
Phase 2 graphemes
Koło fortuny
Phase 3 sounds
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Tricky words
Przebij balon
Phase 5 Tricky Words
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long or short oo ?
Sorting the 'ou' sound
Phase 2 Tricky Words
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Long or Short oo?
00. magic e (u)
'ng' phonics game
O rety! Krety!
Połącz w pary
Phase 3 - Real and nonsense words
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Random wheel nursery rhymes
Koło fortuny
Under the sea
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