Reception Mathematics Subitising
Przykłady z naszej społeczności
Liczba wyników dla zapytania „reception maths subitising”: 10 000+
Matching subitising cards
Subitising wheel to 5
Koło fortuny
Easter subitising
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Subitising gingerbread men (easier)
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3 or not 3?
3 not 3 goldilocks
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Tally Score Match Up
Połącz w pary
subitising sunflower seeds
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What can you see? 3 or not 3?
Prawda czy fałsz
Dots, fingers, 5 frames and Numicon (subitising 1-5)
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Spring Subitising. What do you See?
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What Number?
Koło fortuny
Единственное - множественное число.
1 More and 1 Less
Połącz w pary
match teen numbers with numicon
Znajdź parę
Numicon 1-10 Cyfatebu
Addition to 10 Balloon Pop
Przebij balon
Half, or not half?
Dots, fingers and 5 frames (subitising)
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apples, conkers and dots subitising to 3
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Under the sea
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Subitising jelly beans
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Subitising dots, 5 frames
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subitising 1-3
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Up to 3 subitising game (instant recall of amounts)
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Numicon Spinner
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1-20 Bingo Wheel
Koło fortuny
Up to 3 Dots, fingers and 5 frames (subitising)
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Numicon 1-10
Połącz w pary
KB 2 U2/3
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subitise to 10
Koło fortuny
Pink Men - can you subitise?
Koło fortuny
More or Less?
Numicon Match Up
Znajdź parę
Maths doubles aeroplane game
Subistising dots, sunflowers and seeds
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Spin and Subitize!
Koło fortuny
1-10 Number Wheel
Koło fortuny
Even and Odd
O rety! Krety!
Left and Right
2D shapes
Koło fortuny
1-20 Wheel.
Koło fortuny
Add Fractions G3
Znajdź parę
What's The Time?
Basic Decimals
Counting 1 - 20
Ultimate Fraction Quiz
Counting in 5s- Which numbers will you say?
O rety! Krety!
Symmetry Quiz
Sorting 2D and 3D shapes