
4-й класс Английский язык Clothes

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Present Continuous
Present Continuous Losowe karty
-ED окончание Past simple
-ED окончание Past simple Posortuj
Summer clothes
Summer clothes Znajdź parę
Past Simple. Did / -ed
Past Simple. Did / -ed Uzupełnij zdanie
Can you? Prove it!
Can you? Prove it! Odkryj karty
Time Markers. Present Simple/Present Continuous/Past Simple
Time Markers. Present Simple/Present Continuous/Past Simple Posortuj
Seasons and months
Seasons and months Posortuj
Irreg Verbs P2
Irreg Verbs P2 Losowe karty
AS4 U1 dialogue
AS4 U1 dialogue Połącz w pary
FF4 Unit 8
FF4 Unit 8 Test
Irreg Verbs P3
Irreg Verbs P3 Losowe karty
Food Match up
Food Match up Połącz w pary
Kid's Box 3 Unit 3 Text
Kid's Box 3 Unit 3 Text Rysunek z opisami
Guess the Animal
Guess the Animal Losowe karty
Kid's Box 4 unit 5
Kid's Box 4 unit 5 Memory
GG2 5.4 Communication
GG2 5.4 Communication Połącz w pary
On in at
On in at Losowe karty
Present Perfect JUST ALREADY quiz
Present Perfect JUST ALREADY quiz Test
Starlight 4 Module 1 In town part 2
Starlight 4 Module 1 In town part 2 Połącz w pary
Winter and Summer clothes
Winter and Summer clothes Posortuj
Starter Clothes
Starter Clothes Połącz w pary
Go getter 2_clothes
Go getter 2_clothes Test obrazkowy
Possessive and personal pronouns
Possessive and personal pronouns Test
Christmas family
Christmas family Rysunek z opisami
don't/doesn't Posortuj
Spotlight 3, 4 Present Simple or Present Continuous
Spotlight 3, 4 Present Simple or Present Continuous Uzupełnij zdanie
Spotlight 3, 2 demonstratives  this-that указательные местоимения
Spotlight 3, 2 demonstratives this-that указательные местоимения Test
Quiz 11-100 - write words
Quiz 11-100 - write words Test
Present Simple vs Present Continuous
Present Simple vs Present Continuous Odkryj karty
 Present Simple and Past Simple
Present Simple and Past Simple Test
Present Simple VS Present Continuous
Present Simple VS Present Continuous Test
irregular verbs part 2
irregular verbs part 2 Prawda czy fałsz
Spotlight 4 1b
Spotlight 4 1b Anagram
Spotlight 4 Module 6 a Containers
Spotlight 4 Module 6 a Containers Labirynt
Spotlight 4 Module 1 Words+Continuous
Spotlight 4 Module 1 Words+Continuous Rysunek z opisami
go getter 1 family audio 1.17
go getter 1 family audio 1.17 Test
Christmas Znajdź słowo
irregular verbs part 1
irregular verbs part 1 Prawda czy fałsz
GG1 u 2.7 Language revision
GG1 u 2.7 Language revision Połącz w pary
Present Simple, Present Continuous, Future Simple
Present Simple, Present Continuous, Future Simple Uzupełnij zdanie
Christmas vocabulary
Christmas vocabulary Memory
Spotlight 4  2a
Spotlight 4 2a Znajdź parę
Spotlight Unit 1a Appearance
Spotlight Unit 1a Appearance Połącz w pary
Spotlight 4 Module 5 Unit 9a Ordinal numbers
Spotlight 4 Module 5 Unit 9a Ordinal numbers Wisielec
 THIS / THAT / THESE / THOSE + clothes GG1
THIS / THAT / THESE / THOSE + clothes GG1 Test
Past Simple + - ?
Past Simple + - ? Uporządkuj
Past simple (?)
Past simple (?) Uzupełnij zdanie
Christmas vocabulary
Christmas vocabulary Fiszki
to be (positive)
to be (positive) Połącz w pary
How often do you... Always, often, usually, sometimes, never
How often do you... Always, often, usually, sometimes, never Znajdź parę
Spotlight 4, Module 1, Предлоги места. Prepositions of place. (8)
Spotlight 4, Module 1, Предлоги места. Prepositions of place. (8) Połącz w pary
Spotlight 4 module 7 14a Magic Moments - Degrees of Comparison (Elementary)
Spotlight 4 module 7 14a Magic Moments - Degrees of Comparison (Elementary) Posortuj
Christmas vocabulary
Christmas vocabulary Losowe karty
colors Rysunek z opisami
Places in school
Places in school Znajdź parę
Christmas vocabulary
Christmas vocabulary Znajdź parę
Containers match up
Containers match up Połącz w pary
Spotlight 4 1b numbers
Spotlight 4 1b numbers Fiszki
Spotlight 4 Module 5 Unit 9a Ordinal numbers
Spotlight 4 Module 5 Unit 9a Ordinal numbers Znajdź słowo
Spotlight 4 Module 3 Unit 6a Containers
Spotlight 4 Module 3 Unit 6a Containers Połącz w pary
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