
7-й класс Word formation optimise b1

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Optimise B1 Word Formation NOUN (U5)
Optimise B1 Word Formation NOUN (U5) Odkryj karty
GW B1 Noun suffixes -ness,-ship,-dom
GW B1 Noun suffixes -ness,-ship,-dom Posortuj
Gateway B1, Unit 1. Suffixes -ment,-ion, -ence
Gateway B1, Unit 1. Suffixes -ment,-ion, -ence Test
OGE/EGE Word formation
OGE/EGE Word formation Uzupełnij zdanie
Gateway B1+ adjectives (unit 9)
Gateway B1+ adjectives (unit 9) Test
verbs and adverbs
verbs and adverbs Posortuj
-er/-or/-ness/-ist Posortuj
B2 negative pref
B2 negative pref Posortuj
U3 Gateway B1 Neg Adj Prefixes Un- in- im- ir- il-
U3 Gateway B1 Neg Adj Prefixes Un- in- im- ir- il- Test
U3 Gateway B1 Neg Adj Prefixes Un- in- im- ir- il-
U3 Gateway B1 Neg Adj Prefixes Un- in- im- ir- il- Test
U3 Gateway B1 Negative prefixes un-,in-,im-,ir-,il-, dis-, non-
U3 Gateway B1 Negative prefixes un-,in-,im-,ir-,il-, dis-, non- Posortuj
Optimise B1 Unit 7 Vocab1
Optimise B1 Unit 7 Vocab1 Uzupełnij zdanie
 body language word formation
body language word formation Koło fortuny
Word formation nouns & adjectives _ 2
Word formation nouns & adjectives _ 2 Posortuj
-ment nouns oge
-ment nouns oge Anagram
-al adjectives oge
-al adjectives oge Wisielec
-ER NOUNS OGE Połącz w pary
adverbs oge
adverbs oge Połącz w pary
Negative prefixes
Negative prefixes Posortuj
dis- im- inter- un- oge
dis- im- inter- un- oge Wisielec
-ship -ness nouns oge
-ship -ness nouns oge Wisielec
-y adjectives oge
-y adjectives oge Znajdź parę
-tion -sion nouns oge
-tion -sion nouns oge Połącz w pary
-ance/-ence -ing -ity nouns oge
-ance/-ence -ing -ity nouns oge Znajdź parę
-less -able/ible adjectives oge
-less -able/ible adjectives oge Anagram
-ic -ly -ed -ian -ous -ish -ent adjectives oge
-ic -ly -ed -ian -ous -ish -ent adjectives oge Połącz w pary
un, ir, il, im, in
un, ir, il, im, in Test
Word families (suffixes) - Solutions Interm 3ed unit 3E
Word families (suffixes) - Solutions Interm 3ed unit 3E Posortuj
Negative adjectives
Negative adjectives Test
-ise/ize/-ify/-en Posortuj
Егэ Połącz w pary
Optimise B1+ Unit 6_Health_Problems
Optimise B1+ Unit 6_Health_Problems Połącz w pary
too, so...that, such a...that, enough
too, so...that, such a...that, enough Odkryj karty
Gateway B1 Unit 1
Gateway B1 Unit 1 Wisielec
Nouns made from verbs
Nouns made from verbs Połącz w pary
-ful adjectives oge
-ful adjectives oge Znajdź słowo
огэ макмиллан u3 word formation
огэ макмиллан u3 word formation Uzupełnij zdanie
Gateway to the World B1 / Unit 1 (Word formation quiz: -ment, -ion, -ence)
Gateway to the World B1 / Unit 1 (Word formation quiz: -ment, -ion, -ence) Test
Gateway to the World B1 / Unit 1 / Word formation (-ment, -ion, -ence)
Gateway to the World B1 / Unit 1 / Word formation (-ment, -ion, -ence) Znajdź parę
Agreement (Optimise B1+)
Agreement (Optimise B1+) Posortuj
-ist -an -or nouns oge
-ist -an -or nouns oge Znajdź słowo
-ing -ive adjectives oge
-ing -ive adjectives oge Memory
Word formation er or
Word formation er or Posortuj
ОГЭ 26-31
ОГЭ 26-31 Uzupełnij zdanie
Optimise B1 Unit 7 -  VOcab
Optimise B1 Unit 7 - VOcab Połącz w pary
Macmillan grammar & vocabulary u2 word formation
Macmillan grammar & vocabulary u2 word formation Anagram
Gateway to the World B1 / Unit 1 / Word formation suffixes sorting (-ment, -ion, -ence)
Gateway to the World B1 / Unit 1 / Word formation suffixes sorting (-ment, -ion, -ence) Posortuj
Gateway to the World B1 / Unit 1 / Word formation missing words: -ment, -ion, -ence
Gateway to the World B1 / Unit 1 / Word formation missing words: -ment, -ion, -ence Uzupełnij zdanie
-er/-or Posortuj
Word formation
Word formation Posortuj
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