7 13
Przykłady z naszej społeczności
Liczba wyników dla zapytania „7 13”: 10 000+

Present Continuous - At the swimming pool
Rysunek z opisami

Sport Speaking Cards
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Tell me about your friend (Warmer, Flyers)
Koło fortuny

Will / Won't
Koło fortuny

Reddy's funny stories. 1. A puzzle
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FH4. Lesson 4. Adjectives or adverbs?
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Exciting days! (Fun for Flyers U37)
Ustaw w kolejności

Reddy's funny stories 3. An apple ball
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Reddy's funny stories 3. An apple ball
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Кузовлев 7 класс unit 3 lesson 1
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Usually - today

Adverbs of frequency unjumble

Spotlight 3 Module 7 (13)
Znajdź słowo

Ordinal and cardinal numbers
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ВПР- 7 (6)
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Prepare 1 present simple vs continuous
Prawda czy fałsz

Reddy's funny stories 2. A nice day (retelling)
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Poptrop Eng Isl 2. Unit 7 - She's wearing/ He's wearing
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U-13 Vocab: Illnesses
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Family and Friends 3 Unit 13
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Asking questions
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Horizonte 7 Freundschaft
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Starlight 7 Module 3 _ Phrasal Verbs
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Valentines Day Quiz

Spotlight 5 Module 5
Rysunek z opisami

Go Getter 2 1.3

Go Getter (2) 2.2 Vocabulary

Third conditional Speaking practice
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My holidays!
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Шишкова урок 13 упр 7
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Common verb phrases (group sort)

Present Simple vs Present Continuous (Short Answers)
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Rainbow English 7 unit 4 another, other, others
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Rainbow English 7 unit 4 step 8 birds
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Rainbow English 7 unit 4 irregular verbs
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Sea/Land animals (5-7)
Spotlight 7 Module 7b Film
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Rainbow English-7. Unit 4. p.6 Irregular verbs
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Postcard Module 6C
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Spotlight 7 Module 9
Lesson 9. Irregular Verbs practice +/- 1
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