
English / ESL Present Perfect File pre intermediate

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English File Pre-inter 2A
English File Pre-inter 2A Test
English file Pre-interm 2C
English file Pre-interm 2C Test
English File Pre-Interm 3C speaking
English File Pre-Interm 3C speaking Odwracanie kart
English File pre-inter 2C speaking
English File pre-inter 2C speaking Odkryj karty
English File Pre-inter 2A Truth or lie?
English File Pre-inter 2A Truth or lie? Losowe karty
English File pre-interm 1C Ask me some questions...
English File pre-interm 1C Ask me some questions... Test
English File Pre-Intermediate 3C
English File Pre-Intermediate 3C Krzyżówka
4B English File Pre-Interm speaking
4B English File Pre-Interm speaking Losowe karty
EF Pre_int Unit4 (present perfect and past simple)
EF Pre_int Unit4 (present perfect and past simple) Prawda czy fałsz
EF Pre-Intermediate Unit 3A Wb
EF Pre-Intermediate Unit 3A Wb Uzupełnij zdanie
English File Pre-Intermediate 3A
English File Pre-Intermediate 3A Połącz w pary
English File Pre-intermediate 3A
English File Pre-intermediate 3A Fiszki
Present perfect: yet, ever -- just, already, never
Present perfect: yet, ever -- just, already, never Odkryj karty
English File pre-intermediate - Practical English 1
English File pre-intermediate - Practical English 1 Uporządkuj
English File pre-intermediate - 1C - Clothes (T/F)
English File pre-intermediate - 1C - Clothes (T/F) Prawda czy fałsz
English File Pre-inter unit 1 - 2
English File Pre-inter unit 1 - 2 Odkryj karty
English File Pre-inter unit 2A
English File Pre-inter unit 2A Połącz w pary
English file Pre-inter 3B Prepositions Activation
English file Pre-inter 3B Prepositions Activation Losowe karty
english file pre-inter 3B verbs+prepostitions
english file pre-inter 3B verbs+prepostitions Losowe karty
EF pre-int 1C (a)
EF pre-int 1C (a) Odkryj karty
Time expressions Present Perfect
Time expressions Present Perfect Uzupełnij zdanie
English File Pre-Int 3A
English File Pre-Int 3A Połącz w pary
English File Pre Int 2A
English File Pre Int 2A Posortuj
English File Pre-Int 3VB
English File Pre-Int 3VB Test
English File Pre Int 3C
English File Pre Int 3C Koło fortuny
English File Pre-Int 4A
English File Pre-Int 4A Rysunek z opisami
English File Pre-Int 4A
English File Pre-Int 4A Losowe karty
english file pre inter 7B
english file pre inter 7B Koło fortuny
Enflish File Pre-Int 2A
Enflish File Pre-Int 2A Połącz w pary
English File Pre-Int 3 VB
English File Pre-Int 3 VB Posortuj
English file pre-interm unit 2C
English file pre-interm unit 2C Ustaw w kolejności
English File Pre-Int 4B VB
English File Pre-Int 4B VB Test
English File Pre-inter 1-2 grammar
English File Pre-inter 1-2 grammar Uporządkuj
English File Pre-Int 4B VB
English File Pre-Int 4B VB Połącz w pary
9A animals pre-intermediate
9A animals pre-intermediate Losowe karty
english file pre interm 1A word order
english file pre interm 1A word order Uporządkuj
EF Pre-intermediate 6A Communicative
EF Pre-intermediate 6A Communicative Odkryj karty
EF pre-intermediate  4th 1B
EF pre-intermediate 4th 1B Uzupełnij zdanie
English File pre-int - Unit 6C - Talk about it.
English File pre-int - Unit 6C - Talk about it. Koło fortuny
EF Pre-Intermediate: At the pharmacy
EF Pre-Intermediate: At the pharmacy Losowe karty
Present Perfect (Unit 4A)
Present Perfect (Unit 4A) Losowe karty
EF Pre-Intermediate Unit 3A airports
EF Pre-Intermediate Unit 3A airports Znajdź słowo
Present perfect past simple pre-intermediate
Present perfect past simple pre-intermediate Test
 Navigate Pre-Intermediate 1.1
Navigate Pre-Intermediate 1.1 Posortuj
English File pre-intermediate - Unit 9A - Animals
English File pre-intermediate - Unit 9A - Animals Losowe karty
1C 03 Present Simple vs Present Continuous
1C 03 Present Simple vs Present Continuous Test
1C 02 Present Simple vs Present Continuous
1C 02 Present Simple vs Present Continuous Test
EF Pre-int 2A Past Simple Wh- questions (you)
EF Pre-int 2A Past Simple Wh- questions (you) Koło fortuny
1C 01 Present Simple vs Present Continuous
1C 01 Present Simple vs Present Continuous Test
6A Opposite verbs EnglishFile Pre-Int
6A Opposite verbs EnglishFile Pre-Int Znajdź parę
4B pre shopping questions
4B pre shopping questions Losowe karty
New English File 4th edition Intermediate 5C SPEAKING & LISTENING
New English File 4th edition Intermediate 5C SPEAKING & LISTENING Rysunek z opisami
Present Perfect // Already done it?
Present Perfect // Already done it? Losowe karty
EF pre 11B phrasal verbs1
EF pre 11B phrasal verbs1 Połącz w pary
Superlatives+Present perfect
Superlatives+Present perfect Losowe karty
Pre-int 6B verb+back
Pre-int 6B verb+back Połącz w pary
EF Pre-Int Unit 5 grammar
EF Pre-Int Unit 5 grammar Prawda czy fałsz
EF Pre-Int Unit 8 (get)
EF Pre-Int Unit 8 (get) Losowe karty
Explain the use of Present Perfect
Explain the use of Present Perfect Test
English File intermediate. Transport
English File intermediate. Transport Połącz w pary
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