English / ESL New total elementary
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Rysunek z opisami
Have got (questions)
Odkryj karty
Past Simple Answer the Questions
Odkryj karty
Połącz w pary
Speaking - opinions for discussion - "Books/films"
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New English File Elementary: Clothes
Połącz w pary
Present Simple or Continuous? Speaking
Odkryj karty
Reported Speech
Let's talk about food...
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English File A1 verb phrases 1
Połącz w pary
English File A1 opposite adjectives
Połącz w pary
English File A1 jobs
Połącz w pary
English File A1 imperatives
Połącz w pary
speaking movers
Koło fortuny
Imperatives A2
Make questions A2
8B There is/ There are (no some or any)
Plural nouns A2
Rysunek z opisami
About people A2
Match the answers to the questions A2
Połącz w pary
Go, have, get
Losowe karty
NEF Elementary Speaking
Losowe karty
Znajdź parę
8B Things in rooms
Prawda czy fałsz
Classroom objects A2
Rysunek z opisami
Greetings A2: formal and informal
Połącz w pary
7A Say who these people are/were
Losowe karty
Countries A2
Rysunek z opisami
This-That-These-Those with plural A2
Znajdź parę
Irregular Plurals A2
Continents A2
Rysunek z opisami
Weekdays A2
Prepositions A2
Rysunek z opisami
Word order in questions
Countries and nationalities
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7A was were asking questions
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Past Simple / Present Perfect - Speaking
Koło fortuny
I wish... / If only... (NTE Int 10.1)
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Second Conditional (NTE Pre 12.1)
Odkryj karty
Ability, Past and Present (NTE Inter 7.3)
Koło fortuny
Phrasal Verbs (NTE Inter Unit 1 Vocabulary)
Połącz w pary
Third conditional
Odkryj karty
Types of Rooms
Rysunek z opisami
Present Perfect Simple or Continuous? Speaking
Losowe karty
Question Words
Koło fortuny
Say antonym adjectives
Losowe karty
Losowe karty
7B Unjumble Past Simple sentences
Emotions A2
Połącz w pary
GRAMMAR GAME 5B-6B (PrS, PrC, obj pronouns, like + Ving)
Prawda czy fałsz
High numbers A2
Losowe karty
6B match the adjectives with the pictures
Połącz w pary