

Przykłady z naszej społeczności

Liczba wyników dla zapytania „ff6”: 215

FF6 U5 Word formation (nouns -ment/ -tion)
FF6 U5 Word formation (nouns -ment/ -tion) Posortuj
FF6 U5 Text Chewing gum p.48 (comprehension)
FF6 U5 Text Chewing gum p.48 (comprehension) Test
FF6 U5 Passive vs Active (Present S. Past S.)
FF6 U5 Passive vs Active (Present S. Past S.) Test
FF6 U4 Phrasal verbs 'look ...'
FF6 U4 Phrasal verbs 'look ...' Uzupełnij zdanie
FF6 unit 4 phrasal verbs
FF6 unit 4 phrasal verbs Uzupełnij zdanie
FF6 U5 Text The History of a Pen (Pictures/examples -comprehension)
FF6 U5 Text The History of a Pen (Pictures/examples -comprehension) Fiszki
 FF6 A2 Word formation (dis-/ in-)
FF6 A2 Word formation (dis-/ in-) Posortuj
ff6 Połącz w pary
FF6 U4 Reading (Transport) text T/F/NS
FF6 U4 Reading (Transport) text T/F/NS Test
FF6 Unit 6 words
FF6 Unit 6 words Uzupełnij zdanie
FF6 U3 Adjectives /order
FF6 U3 Adjectives /order Uporządkuj
FF6 U5 Passive Voice Pr/Past Simple /Present Cont (questions)
FF6 U5 Passive Voice Pr/Past Simple /Present Cont (questions) Uporządkuj
ff6 unit 1 un/im prefixes
ff6 unit 1 un/im prefixes Posortuj
FF6 U4 (Transport) Vocabulary
FF6 U4 (Transport) Vocabulary Połącz w pary
YL A2 Sports and activities (FF6)
YL A2 Sports and activities (FF6) Połącz w pary
FF6 (U1 Vocabulary) Collocations (text)
FF6 (U1 Vocabulary) Collocations (text) Memory
FF6 U3 Present Perf vs Past S
FF6 U3 Present Perf vs Past S Posortuj
FF6 Unit 5 words
FF6 Unit 5 words Uzupełnij zdanie
FF6 Unit 9 words
FF6 Unit 9 words Uzupełnij zdanie
FF6 U4 Present Perfect Continuous Guessing cards
FF6 U4 Present Perfect Continuous Guessing cards Fiszki
FF6 ART Połącz w pary
 YL A 2+ Conditionals 1 and 2 (FF6 U1)
YL A 2+ Conditionals 1 and 2 (FF6 U1) Losowe karty
FF6 Unit 6 words
FF6 Unit 6 words Połącz w pary
 YL A2+ FF6  Conditionals 1 and 2
YL A2+ FF6 Conditionals 1 and 2 Połącz w pary
FF6 Unit 5 words
FF6 Unit 5 words Połącz w pary
FF6 Irregular verbs 1.2 (feed-leave)
FF6 Irregular verbs 1.2 (feed-leave) Fiszki
Future Forms (FF6 U1)
Future Forms (FF6 U1) Test
FF6 quiz
FF6 quiz Test
ff6 unit 5 writing
ff6 unit 5 writing Rysunek z opisami
ff6 unit 8 vocab 1
ff6 unit 8 vocab 1 Połącz w pary
ff6 unit 9 vocab 1
ff6 unit 9 vocab 1 Rysunek z opisami
ff6 unit 3 vocab 1
ff6 unit 3 vocab 1 Połącz w pary
ff6 unit 5 working with words
ff6 unit 5 working with words Połącz w pary
ff6 unit 1 skills time reading vocab
ff6 unit 1 skills time reading vocab Połącz w pary
ff6 unit 3 skills time vocab
ff6 unit 3 skills time vocab Połącz w pary
FF6 unit 2 dis- in-
FF6 unit 2 dis- in- Połącz w pary
FF6 U9
FF6 U9 Memory
FF6 unit 3 word formation
FF6 unit 3 word formation Połącz w pary
ff6 unit 3 yet/just/already/for/since
ff6 unit 3 yet/just/already/for/since Uporządkuj
words ff6 unit 8
words ff6 unit 8 Teleturniej
ff6 unit 1 vocab
ff6 unit 1 vocab Rysunek z opisami
ff6 unit 3 writing
ff6 unit 3 writing Rysunek z opisami
FF6 Revision U5-
FF6 Revision U5- Test
ff6 unit 7 writing
ff6 unit 7 writing Rysunek z opisami
FF6 U9 (vocab)
FF6 U9 (vocab) Znajdź parę
FF6 (+ ВПР) Word formation
FF6 (+ ВПР) Word formation Fiszki
ff6 unit 2 vocab 1
ff6 unit 2 vocab 1 Rysunek z opisami
ff6 unit 5 reading questions
ff6 unit 5 reading questions Uporządkuj
ff6 unit 7 vocab 1
ff6 unit 7 vocab 1 Rysunek z opisami
ff6 words for a game
ff6 words for a game Losowe karty
ff6 unit 5 reading pre-teach
ff6 unit 5 reading pre-teach Połącz w pary
ff6 unit 8 working with words
ff6 unit 8 working with words Połącz w pary
ff6 unit 4 skills time reading
ff6 unit 4 skills time reading Połącz w pary
ff6 unit 7 skills time reading
ff6 unit 7 skills time reading Połącz w pary
ff6 unit 1 skills time pre-teach reading
ff6 unit 1 skills time pre-teach reading Połącz w pary
FF6 U2 (Reading) questions
FF6 U2 (Reading) questions Koło fortuny
FF6 U6 Passive Voice (Pr.S/Past S./ Pr. Cont./Fut.S/ Pr.P)
FF6 U6 Passive Voice (Pr.S/Past S./ Pr. Cont./Fut.S/ Pr.P) Test
FF6 Unit 10 skills time
FF6 Unit 10 skills time Połącz w pary
FF6 Unit 10 words
FF6 Unit 10 words Uzupełnij zdanie
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